Good post from Michael Feldstein at e-Literate:
There’s something fundamentally contradictory about open standards being developed behind closed doors.
Over the past 18 months, I have had the privilege of participating in the IMS work on a regular basis. During that time, I have mostly kept my mouth shut about the openness issue. Out of respect for the staff and the board, I wanted to experience the process from the inside and see how it works today before advocating change. But at the Learning Impact conference last month, I decided to speak out.
At one point I said, “I know plenty of people in the ed tech community-good people, exactly the kind of people that we need to participate-who think that the IMS is some kind of secret society.” I got a fair few “amens” from other participants, both publicly and privately.
Amen, indeed, brother!
Read the entire post at e-Literate