This is a journey into the madness of Internet Explorer.

Yes, there is a happy ending. Jump to the end of the post if you just want the solution and don’t care about how we got there.

The Scenario

You want to embed a Flash SWF into your HTML document using the object element, and you need to be able to do it using JavaScript. (Let’s pretend SWFObject doesn’t exist, ok?)

If you were using HTML markup without JavaScript, embedding a Flash SWF using an object element would be pretty straightforward:

<object id="mySWF" width="550" height="400" 
   <param name="flashvars" value="dog=woof&cat=meow" />
</object>Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

Microsoft designed Internet Explorer’s object to work a bit differently, so the markup for Internet Explorer becomes:

<object id="mySWF" width="550" height="400"
   <param name="movie" value="mymovie.swf" />
   <param name="flashvars" value="dog=woof&cat=meow" />
</object>Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

The key differences are:

  • Internet Explorer requires the classid attribute instead of type
  • Internet Explorer requires the param name="movie" child node instead of the data attribute in the object

Annoying, perhaps, but workable. If you’re working with hard-coded markup — what SWFObject refers to as static publishing — you can drop in some conditional comments and be done:

<!--[if IE]>
<object id="mySWF" width="550" height="400"
   <param name="movie" value="mymovie.swf">

<!--[if !IE]>-->
<object id="mySWF" width="550" height="400"

   <param name="flashvars" value="dog=woof&cat=meow" />

<p>Fallback content for people without Flash Player</p>

</object>Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

That’s nice, but I need to use JavaScript

On the surface, using JavaScript to recreate the HTML markup appears to be a trivial task; we just need to add conditional logic to handle the two small differences between Internet Explorer’s object element and the object element used by the other browsers:

var target_element = document.getElementById("replaceMe"),
   obj = document.createElement("object"),
   isMSIE = /*@cc_on!@*/false;

//Add attributes to <object>
obj.setAttribute("id", "myObjID");
obj.setAttribute("width", "550");
obj.setAttribute("height", "400");

//Add <param> node(s) to <object>
var param_flashvars = document.createElement("param");
param_flashvars.setAttribute("name", "flashvars");
param_flashvars.setAttribute("value", "cat=meow&dog=woof");

if (isMSIE) {            

   //IE requires the 'classid' attribute
   obj.setAttribute("classid", "clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000");
   //IE requires the 'movie' <param>
   var param_movie = document.createElement("param");
   param_movie.setAttribute("name", "movie");
   param_movie.setAttribute("value", "test.swf");

} else {

   //Non-IE browsers require the 'type' attribute
   obj.setAttribute("type", "application/x-shockwave-flash");
   //Non-IE browsers require the 'data' attribute
   obj.setAttribute("data", "test.swf");


//Replace targeted DOM element with our new <object>
target_element.parentNode.replaceChild(obj, target_element);Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

Seems simple enough, right? Not so fast. If you try running this in Internet Explorer (6-9), you’ll notice the SWF fails to load, and IE will behave as though it’s stuck trying to load a file — the “loading” icon never goes away.

Issues with Microsoft’s proprietary classid attribute

It turns out Internet Explorer’s object does not like having the classid appended after the object has been created. This is very similar to the well-known IE bug for adding the name attribute to certain form elements. For the form element bug, Microsoft’s solution is to include the name attribute in the createElement string:

Attributes can be included with the sTag as long as the entire string is valid HTML. To include the NAME attribute at run time on objects created with the createElement method, use the sTag.

Microsoft provides the following example:

var newRadioButton = document.createElement("<INPUT TYPE='RADIO' NAME='RADIOTEST' VALUE='First Choice'>")Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

What happens if we use this solution for the classid issue?

var node_name = (isMSIE) ? "<object classid='clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000' />" : "object";
var obj = document.createElement(node_name);Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

This works like a charm… in IE 8 and lower. Unfortunately, IE 9 chucks a wobbly. Microsoft, in their wisdom, decided that angled brackets should no longer be valid inside the createElement method. This is actually excellent news: Internet Explorer 9 is behaving like other browsers, so let’s just use a try/catch to target IE versions prior to IE9, and use standard W3C code for IE9:

var target_element = document.getElementById("replaceMe"),
   isMSIE = /*@cc_on!@*/false,

if (isMSIE) {

   try {
      //For IE 8 and lower
      obj = document.createElement("<object classid='clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000' />");

      //IE requires the 'movie' <param>
      var param_movie = document.createElement("param");
      param_movie.setAttribute("name", "movie");
      param_movie.setAttribute("value", "test.swf");
   } catch (e) {
      //Let IE9 and higher fall through and use the standard browser markup

if (!obj) {

   obj = document.createElement("object");
   obj.setAttribute("type", "application/x-shockwave-flash");
   obj.setAttribute("data", "test.swf");

//Add attributes to <object>
obj.setAttribute("id", "myObjID");
obj.setAttribute("width", "550");
obj.setAttribute("height", "400");

//Add <param> node(s) to <object>
var param_flashvars = document.createElement("param");
param_flashvars.setAttribute("name", "flashvars");
param_flashvars.setAttribute("value", "cat=meow&dog=woof");

//Replace targeted DOM element with our new <object>
target_element.parentNode.replaceChild(obj, target_element);Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

Still works in Internet Explorer 8 and lower, but fails in IE 9. Okay, perhaps IE9 still requires the classid attribute and ‘movie’ param. Let’s fork the code some more and try it out.

var target_element = document.getElementById("replaceMe"),
   isMSIE = /*@cc_on!@*/false,

if (isMSIE) {

   try {
      //For IE 8 and lower
      obj = document.createElement("<object classid='clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000' />");
   } catch (e) {
      //IE9 doesn't support classid in createElement, so let's add it afterward
      obj = document.createElement("object");
      obj.setAttribute("classid", "clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000");

   //IE requires the 'movie' <param>
   var param_movie = document.createElement("param");
   param_movie.setAttribute("name", "movie");
   param_movie.setAttribute("value", "test.swf");
} else {

   //Standard browsers
   obj = document.createElement("object");
   obj.setAttribute("type", "application/x-shockwave-flash");
   obj.setAttribute("data", "test.swf");

//Add attributes to <object>
obj.setAttribute("id", "myObjID");
obj.setAttribute("width", "550");
obj.setAttribute("height", "400");

//Add <param> node(s) to <object>
var param_flashvars = document.createElement("param");
param_flashvars.setAttribute("name", "flashvars");
param_flashvars.setAttribute("value", "cat=meow&dog=woof");

//Replace targeted DOM element with our new <object>
target_element.parentNode.replaceChild(obj, target_element);Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

Are you ready for the surprise? This doesn’t work in IE9, either. Adding classid to the object after it has been created simply will not work in any version of Internet Explorer. Microsoft removed their own recommended workaround — adding the attribute in the createElement string — to standardize their browser, yet they failed to provide full support for the related W3C standards being used by their competitors.

In their announcement of the createElement change for IE9, Microsoft recommended using the W3C standard setAttribute method, yet it fails for classid. *grumble*

To their credit, Microsoft also provided a second workaround consisting of strings and innerHTML:

var parent=document.createElement("div");
parent.innerHTML="<div id='myDiv'></div>";
var elm=parent.firstChild;Code language: PHP (php)

For our purposes, it would look like this:

function createIeObject(){
   var div = document.createElement("div");
   div.innerHTML = "<object classid='clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000'></object>";
   return div.firstChild;

var target_element = document.getElementById("replaceMe"),
   isMSIE = /*@cc_on!@*/false,
   obj = (isMSIE) ? createIeObject() : document.createElement("object");

if (isMSIE) {
   //IE requires the 'movie' <param>
   var param_movie = document.createElement("param");
   param_movie.setAttribute("name", "movie");
   param_movie.setAttribute("value", "test.swf");
} else {
   obj.setAttribute("type", "application/x-shockwave-flash");
   obj.setAttribute("data", "test.swf");

//Add attributes to <object>
obj.setAttribute("id", "myObjID");
obj.setAttribute("width", "550");
obj.setAttribute("height", "400");

//Add <param> node(s) to <object>
var param_flashvars = document.createElement("param");
param_flashvars.setAttribute("name", "flashvars");
param_flashvars.setAttribute("value", "cat=meow&dog=woof");

//Replace targeted DOM element with our new <object>
target_element.parentNode.replaceChild(obj, target_element);Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

This feels like it’s getting us somewhere. Unfortunately, the SWF still doesn’t load. What else can we try? What if the ‘movie’ param were added at the same time the object is created and classid attribute is specified in Internet Explorer?

function createIeObject(url){
   var div = document.createElement("div");
   div.innerHTML = "<object classid='clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000'><param name='movie' value='" +url + "'></object>";
   return div.firstChild;

var target_element = document.getElementById("replaceMe"),
   isMSIE = /*@cc_on!@*/false,
   obj = (isMSIE) ? createIeObject("test.swf") : document.createElement("object");

if (!isMSIE) {
   obj.setAttribute("type", "application/x-shockwave-flash");
   obj.setAttribute("data", "test.swf");

//Add attributes to <object>
obj.setAttribute("id", "myObjID");
obj.setAttribute("width", "550");
obj.setAttribute("height", "400");

//Add <param> node(s) to <object>
var param_flashvars = document.createElement("param");
param_flashvars.setAttribute("name", "flashvars");
param_flashvars.setAttribute("value", "cat=meow&dog=woof");

//Replace targeted DOM element with our new <object>
target_element.parentNode.replaceChild(obj, target_element);Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

EUREKA! The SWF now displays as it should in all versions of Internet Explorer, and IE no longer behaves as if it’s stuck trying to load something. The takeaway is that Internet Explorer’s proprietary classid attribute and ‘movie’ param need to be created together or all is lost.

Why not use innerHTML all the way?

Many developers will say: Why not use innerHTML for the whole thing? After all, SWFObject 2.0 through 2.2 uses string building and innerHTML for the entire object creation in Internet Explorer:

el.outerHTML = '<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"' + att + '>' + par + '</object>';Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

In SWFObject, the attributes (att) and parameters (par) are added to the string via string concatenation. This is functional, but means that a completely different workflow — one devoid of standard W3C techniques — is required for Internet Explorer versus all other browsers.

For example, if there are many param nodes to add to the object, they will have to be generated as a long string of params in IE, while the fork for the non-IE browsers will all use a createElement/appendChild combination. In my opinion, it would be best to keep the code simple and use the same code for handling attributes and parameters in all browsers. This is ideal for maintenance, security, and file size.

Using the proposed IE solution allows us to modify the object via W3C techniques — we can add parameters and attributes and they all function as expected. The only difference between IE and other browsers is the creation of the initial object, but once it’s set up, IE’s object behaves the same in all browsers.

The obligatory poke at Microsoft

This is a perfect example of why there is not much love for Internet Explorer (and by extension, Microsoft) in many web developer circles. A task that should be trivial is utterly complicated, and requires hours of troubleshooting and experimentation just to achieve some basic functionality.

It’s my sincere hope that Internet Explorer 10+ will use the standard object code, but it probably won’t, since IE will probably still rely on ActiveX for the Flash Plugin. Falling short of using the standard object element, I hope that IE 10+ will at least allow us to add the classid attribute using setAttribute, and also allow us to add the movie param using createElement and appendChild.

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  1. How ridiculous! Microsoft needs to grow a brain and conform to what all other successful browsers (Google Chrome, Safari, and Firefox) seem to have agreed upon in terms of performance and CSS.

    I don’t understand why Microsoft continues to FAIL every time they launch a new browser. When will they learn that eventually people will have no desire to use their browser and use the faster, more user friendly browsers in the future? It doesn’t make any sense unless they have a very sick sense of humor and love to make developers like us crazy. Their browser is pure crap in my opinion and I hate the fact that just about everything we developers do have to have some sort of nasty work around to make it work in their environment. What a piece of junk.

    Ok, I’m done. But I have to give you major kudos for pulling this explanation together. It will truly help me out in the long run with Flash apps and site development.

  2. Thank you Sir for this great article!!!

    I develop & support small custom page which loads various embedded video players dynamically using JavaScript.
    ALL browsers were working 100% OK, but NOT IE!!! Some players were broken.
    I have found static solution with conditional tags, but it failed completely with JavaScript.
    That was going to make me crazy!
    Thanks to this article I could fix that ugly bug & say to the world “Hey! You can use any browser now!”

    Thanks a lot!
    Best wishes!

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