Update: Most of my downloads are now hosted on my GitHub page. Older files and projects which are no longer relevant (hello, ActionScript!) have been removed.
My SCORM wrapper can be found at https://github.com/pipwerks/scorm-api-wrapper.
My SCORM manifest templates can be found at https://github.com/pipwerks/SCORM-Manifests.
PDFObject can be found at https://pdfobject.com. The source code can be viewed or downloaded at https://github.com/pipwerks/PDFObject. PDFObject is also available via NPM, and CDN packages are available. See PDFObject.com for details.
Other projects, such as EasyCaptions and my Captivate publishing templates, can be found in GitHub account, but they’re pretty old and are only left there as a historical archive.
LearnSWFObject and its tutorials has been retired.