HTML 5: The strong element
In the new HTML 5 proposal, the strong element is being modified to represent “importance rather than strong emphasis.”
In the new HTML 5 proposal, the strong element is being modified to represent “importance rather than strong emphasis.”
Since I sometimes write about code, I decided to install the Code Markup WordPress plugin. It works very well, and I am enjoying it a great deal (thanks, Bennett).
However, one problem I kept encountering was overflow… when a line of code was so long it would break my layout.
I just finished the @media2007 conference in San Francisco, and all I can say is “wow.” I was totally in over my head, which in this case is a good thing!
Every now and then, a developer will come up against something that was SOOOO easy with table-based layouts and winds up being a royal pain with CSS-based layouts. One of these “d’oh!” moments is when you try to vertically center an element on your web page. Umm… hang on, let me rephrase that: One of these “d’oh!” moments is when you try to vertically center an element on your web page when using Internet Explorer 6.