PDFObject 2.3 released, new site

PDFObject 2.3.0 has been released and is available immediately on NPM and related CDNs. The new pdfobject.com features more thorough documentation and examples.

PDFObject for Vue 3

I decided to make it easy for everyone (especially me!) to embed PDFs in a Vue project. Introducing: PDFObject-Vue, a PDFObject component created for Vue 3. Now available on GitHub and NPM.

PDFObject Updated, Moved to GitHub

Three years have passed since PDFObject 1.0 was released, and the browser landscape has changed dramatically. I figured it’s time to dust off PDFObject and see if it can be improved and/or updated for today’s browsers.

Introducing PDFObject

I recently worked on an e-learning course that required embedding some PDFs into an HTML file. PDF embedding piqued my curiosity, and has become something of a pet project. I decided it would be nice to have a JavaScript script that could dynamically embed PDFs as easily as SWFObject allows SWF embedding. I managed to whip up a script, and decided to name it PDFObject. (I know, I know… what a creative name!) As you may have inferred from the name, the concept and functionality is pretty similar to SWFObject.