JavaScript SCORM_API_Wrapper.js now at v1.1.3


  1. Added SCORM.isAvailable() function; This allows Flash’s ExternalInterface to confirm the presence of the JavaScript wrapper before attempting any LMS communication. Parameters: none. Returns: Boolean (static, true).
  2. Fixed an important typo: I had forgotten the empty quotes in LMSCommit(“”) and Commit(“”).
  3. Removed a few lines of old debugging code
  4. Added simple check for Firebug console; allows user to enable Firebug console support while avoiding errors in browsers not equipped with Firebug.
  5. Added optional “class” parameter to SCORM.debug.displayInfo(msg, htmlclass). This allows Flash users to apply an HTML class to the debug text via a span element. Why? When using the DOM to view debugging messages from both the JS wrapper and the Flash classes, it helps to be able to color-code them to easily distinguish the source of the message. classes (AS2 & AS3) now at v1.01


  1. Added check for ExternalInterface support (ExternalInterface.available). This confirms the availability of ExternalInterface before attempting any LMS communication, helping eliminate any potential errors.
  2. Added check for SCORM.isAvailable() in HTML/JavaScript. This confirms the presence of the JavaScript wrapper before attempting any LMS communication, helping eliminate any potential errors.
  3. Added optional “class” parameter to the ExternalInterface call to SCORM.debug.displayInfo. This applies a class (via a span element) to all Flash messages appearing in the DOM. This allows easy color-coding for quicker debugging. (Does not affect usage of Firebug console.)

You can download the files here.

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