I recently emailed a shortlist of good SCORM development resources to a colleague, and figured I should probably post a list here, too. This is a quickie list, and I’m sure I’m leaving someone out. If you know of any resources I’ve missed, please add a link in the comments. This list is presented in no particular order.
- Claude Ostyn’s site. He passed away in 2007, so there haven’t been any updates since then. His materials present a nice overview including lots of examples.
- The ADL website. Their SCORM Documentation Suite is the official documentation. Must-have for any SCORM developer.
- Redbird DevNet [link no longer available]. They have a nice tutorial/walk-through of SCORM 2004 architecture.
- Rustici Software. A for-profit business that works almost exclusively with SCORM. They’ve posted some helpful resources on their site.
- Aaron Silvers has been writing about SCORM (especially with regards to Flash) for a long time.
- adlCommunity. A site dedicated to advancing ADL’s technologies. There are some good resources for SCORM developers, including an overview of SCORM written by the late Philip Dodds, one of the chief architects of SCORM.
- Academic ADL Co-Lab. An offshoot of the ADL that offers SCORM resources and training for would-be SCORM developers. Also hosts Joe Nelson’s custom SCORM JavaScript framework LibSCORM (“a boilerplate template that implements common SCO Tracking and Communication functionality”), which some may find useful.
Of course, I also have a few SCORM odds and ends on my site you may find useful:
- pipwerks SCORM wrappers (JavaScript and ActionScript)
- My SCORM-related journal entries
- E-Learning and Technology Google Group
For those of you who don’t know, SCORM 2.0 is in the works, and is being handled by Learning Education Training Systems Interoperability (LETSI). SCORM 2.0 is still in the formative stages and won’t be ready for a few years (minimum), but you can certainly join the conversation and help mold SCORM 2.0 by visiting the LETSI site.
Update: LETSI is no longer tasked with SCORM 2.0, which will remain with the ADL. LETSI will continue to work on e-learning technology standards, including a potential replacement for SCORM.
Philip, here’s another resource: http://www.conform2scorm.com
Actually, this site is primarily a collection of SCORM resources itself. Cheers!
Sorry to hear about Claude, I remember seeing his comments back in 2001.
Also sorry to see that his site has apparently been taken down.
I do like your site, articles, and wrapper a lot, though.
@glenn thanks. bummer claude’s account was shut down. FYI copies of many of his resources are available on other sites, such as http://www.scorm.com