Gotchas in Internet Explorer 8

Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) is at Release Candidate 1, which means it will be released very shortly. IE8 is a brand-new browser and will represent a considerable shift from IE7/IE6; it will follow standards more closely and will offer much improved CSS 2.1 support. However, because of some of these changes, it is also widely understood that IE8 might ‘break’ websites that have relied on IE-specific hacks targeted at previous versions if Internet Explorer.

Lazy loading excanvas.js

I started by developing an HTML example page that used the canvas element and had the excanvas.js file hard-coded. Everything worked as planned. I then took out the hard-coded excanvas.js file and replaced it with a JavaScript-based lazy loader. Guess what? It didn’t work. A simple modification to the excanvas.js file fixed the problem.

Custom modal windows using canvas and MooTools

I’ve built a simple modal window class named Modal using MooTools. This class combines a dynamic canvas drawing API (my Rectangle class) with dynamic DOM element generation to create on-demand modal windows using no external images. My goal was to make this about as easy to use as a normal JavaScript alert, prompt or confirm window.

Hawaiian diacriticals

This brings me to one of my pet peeves and the purpose of this post: misuse of the backtick (`) character. Many of the afore-mentioned well-intentioned folks mistakenly use a backtick to represent an ‘okina, and it drives me absolutely bonkers.

Fun with canvas and MooTools: a Rectangle class

Recently at work I realized I needed a good modal window that was more extensible than JavaScript’s built-in confirm and prompt windows. MochaUI looked like a handy way to get slick modal windows into my project, but I soon realized that MochaUI is designed to do much, much more than I need, and therefore is (for my purposes) bloated. So, in typical DIY fashion here at pipwerks, I decided to borrow a page from Greg’s book and make my own MochaUI-inspired modal window using the canvas element, CSS, HTML, and MooTools. After evaluating what I’d need for my little modal window, I whipped up a MooTools-based JavaScript class that produces canvas rectangles in the blink of an eye.