Update to SCORM Wrapper

Made a minor update: scorm.quit() was setting a value (cmi.exit) but not invoking scorm.save() (aka Commit()) prior to termination.

View the latest update on GitHub

Cleaning up Adobe Captivate’s SCORM Publishing Template, Part 7: Giving the Revisions a Home

This entry is part 7 of 8 in the series Cleaning up Adobe Captivate 5.5's SCORM Publishing Template

I decided to post the revised Adobe Captivate publishing template to GitHub, where it can be easily copied, forked, and updated. I moved a few bits of markup/code around, added some configuration options (such as the ability to turn off centering, turn on logging, and require SCORM when loading), and added a ton of comments to explain some of the new options. Hopefully it’s all self-explanatory.

Cleaning up Adobe Captivate’s SCORM Publishing Template, Part 5: Finishing up

This entry is part 5 of 8 in the series Cleaning up Adobe Captivate 5.5's SCORM Publishing Template

In part one of this series, we published a simple Captivate course and examined its file structure. In part two, we cleaned up the HTML file and externalized all JavaScript. In part three, we cleaned up the JavaScript. In part four, we updated the SCORM code. In this installment, we will put the finishing touches on our code and move our files into Captivate’s publishing folder.