I’m a big fan of the Filament Group’s UI work. They put a lot of thought into their work, and ensure everything they make is not only beautiful, but as accessible and as semantic as possible.
One of my favorite pieces of work by the Filament Group is their approach to stylized checkbox and radio <input> elements, as described in their post Accessible, Custom Designed Checkbox and Radio Button Inputs Styled with CSS (and a dash of jQuery)
The system is remarkably well-constructed, degrades gracefully, and is completely accessible if JavaScript, image loading, or CSS is disabled can’t be loaded. No small feat. Plus it remains semantically sound, with no bloated markup.
Having said all that, I’ve never actually used any of Filment Group’s UI code in my projects because of one little obstacle: they rely on jQuery. Mind you, I’m not a jQuery hater, but I prefer MooTools and build all my major projects using MooTools. Switching to jQuery for such a small UI customization is not going to happen. I’ve often thought it would be great to build a MooTools version of Filament’s UI examples, but never had the time… until today.
I’m currently working on a new quiz system at work, and decided I’d incorporate Filament’s wonderful stylized checkboxes and radio buttons into my project, which meant it was time to roll up my sleeves and code me some Moo.
I made a couple of changes to the underlying JavaScript to suit a MooTools approach (and add some flexibility with the CSS selectors) but the basic premise is the same as Filament’s demo.
The following JavaScript will style ALL checkbox and radio inputs on your page. Note that CustomInput returns the collection of elements that have been styled.
window.addEvent("domready", function(){
var all_styled_inputs = new CustomInput();
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)
If you want to target specific parts of the page or only certain input types, pass a CSS selector as an argument:
window.addEvent("domready", function(){
//Only style checkboxes
var styled_checkboxes = new CustomInput("input[type='checkbox']");
//Only style radios in a div named "walkman"
var styled_radios = new CustomInput("#walkman input[type='radio']");
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)
The CustomInput class has been fully JSLinted, and remains very close to the original jQuery version’s size. When compressed (YUI), it squeezes down to about 1.6kb. It uses ‘dollar-safe’ mode for compatibility with other JS libraries.
It has been successfully tested in the following systems:
Windows XP
- Internet Explorer 6
- Firefox 3.5
- Safari 4
- Chrome 4
- Opera 10
Mac OS X (10.6.2)
- Firefox 3.6
- Safari 4
- Opera 10.1
- Chrome 5 (beta)
View Demo | Download Project Files
Major kudos to Filament Group for sharing their ideas with the world.
Update 3/12/2010: Fixed a typo in the JS file preventing the checkedHover class from being assigned.
There is a little bug in the script: it ignores the initial value of checkbox/radio
so I’ve added:
if(input.checked) {
in the init for loop, now it’s perfect 😉
@emilime good catch. I don’t think the original Filament code checked for initial state, but it makes sense to add it.