PDFObject 2.3 released, new site

PDFObject 2.3.0 has been released and is available immediately on NPM and related CDNs. The new pdfobject.com features more thorough documentation and examples.

Update to SCORM Wrapper

Made a minor update: scorm.quit() was setting a value (cmi.exit) but not invoking scorm.save() (aka Commit()) prior to termination.

View the latest update on GitHub

SCORM “Planets” Example Updated

My “Planets” example (How to Add Basic SCORM Code to a Flash Movie) has proven to be one of the most popular items on pipwerks.com. Unfortunately, it was designed as a quick example and had a bunch of flaws and shortcomings. It’s also about 3 years old and starting to show its age. Since people frequently contact me with questions — many of which were due to the flaws in the example — I decided to update the project.

PDFObject Updated, Moved to GitHub

Three years have passed since PDFObject 1.0 was released, and the browser landscape has changed dramatically. I figured it’s time to dust off PDFObject and see if it can be improved and/or updated for today’s browsers.