On Converting Flash to HTML

The limitations of browsers and the HTML5 spec mean you can’t expect a fully 1:1 conversion from Flash to HTML, regardless of libraries like CreateJS.

Cleaning up Adobe Captivate’s SCORM Publishing Template, Part 1: Introduction

This entry is part 1 of 8 in the series Cleaning up Adobe Captivate 5.5's SCORM Publishing Template

In this multi-part series, I will walk through the files Captivate outputs when publishing to SCORM 2004, pointing out the bad parts and suggesting alternatives when needed. At the end of the series, I will provide a fully-functional SCORM 2004 publishing template you can use with Captivate 5.5.


LETSI’s Run-Time Web Service (RTWS), a proposed modification of SCORM to use SOAP for communication rather than the current JavaScript model. I presented the first half of the session, covering the basic “what” and “why” ideas while Ben covered the technical details (“how”) in the second half.